Couples Counseling
Over 40 years experience and specialized training as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.
Relationship Issues that Can Benefit from Counseling:
- Premarital counseling using Prepare/Enrich Inventory
- Couple and Marriage Counseling
- Treating affairs, betrayal and trauma as a couple. Specialized training with Drs. John and Julie Gottman.
- Infidelity and Betrayal
- Affair Recovery
- Treating Couples in Addiction Recovery. Specialized training with Dr. Robert Navarro and Drs. John and Julie Gottman.
- Communication and Conflict Resolution
- Sexual Difficulties
- Gottman Couples Therapy Method
- Gottman Relationship Checkup
- Intimacy and Commitment
- Couples on the brink
- Discernment Counseling
- Dual career couples
- Couples in which one or both struggle with Anxiety/Depression/ADHD/PTSD/Addiction
- Separation and Divorce
Kent MacEachern, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
122 Burnham Street
Daniel Island, SC 29492
843-224-0258 Office
To Schedule an Appointment
Call 843-224-0258
Kent MacEachern, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
122 Burnham Street
Daniel Island, SC 29492
843-224-0258 Office